
Showing posts from September, 2019

theoretical framework

why is it so important to know who owns the media the media is owned by one person but is used by millions the media is everywhere but the media is used by a lot of people who use it to put across there opinion nationally. 26/09/19 audience     L/o: to identify how a media text targets a specific audience mass audience : a very broad audience niche audience : a smaller more calm audience A  print advert aimed at teenagers : telling them not to be a criminal. because in most places like London most children at the age from 15 to late 20  get into gangs and mix in with bad things most die.   A  film poster aimed at female adults audience:t his movie is influenced by a lady who works at a resturant A game cover aimed at teenage boys R epresentation  what is it we can look at different areas of representation G ender A ge S exuality  N ationality D isability C alls R ace M onday September 30th 2019 you...
Monday 16th September learning objective:apply the theoretical framework to media texts W hat is the theoretical framework? four major concepts or ideas which form the basis of the subject content Media language  M edia institutions  M edia audiences  M edia representation  Media language this covers terms used how texts are constructed and the messages includes: C amera work (cinematography) S oundtrack M ise-en-scene E diting  S oundtrack music  sound effects dialogue voiceover  M en-en-scene costume props setting hair and make up  lighting  actor positioning  body language and facial expression  E diting transitions paces and speed of cuts  CGI green screening  graphics Editing:joker trailer towards the end a lot of cuts happened leading up to the title of the movie and for when its coming out and it was done to build up tension and then lea...

what is media

12 sept 2019 learning objective: to discuss what media is and how it impacts our lives definition:the main of mass communication different type of media                         the main reason of media is to make money  tv news paper social media web site  radio internet  pod cast news film livestream  media influence  the media influences me to try out new hobbies and try new things like scooter riding, biking and many others it also allows me to contact other people and make new friend i mainly use instagram  the media shouldn't be allowed to make fun or humiliate people   i agree with that point people shouldn't be allowed to make fun of other people because it can hurt a lot of people and sometimes leads to damage 

my media blog

me & media my favourite films are hang over and avengers end game my favourite tv show is family guy and stranger things my favourite game i have too many games too pick from i don't read news papers,comics or listen to radios i find it boring