Monday 16th September

learning objective:apply the theoretical framework to media texts

What is the theoretical framework?

four major concepts or ideas which form the basis of the subject content

  • Media language 
  • Media institutions 
  • Media audiences 
  • Media representation 
Media language
this covers terms used how texts are constructed and the messages includes:

  • Camera work (cinematography)
  • Soundtrack
  • Mise-en-scene
  • Editing 

  • music 
  • sound effects
  • dialogue
  • voiceover 

  • costume
  • props
  • setting
  • hair and make up 
  • lighting 
  • actor positioning 
  • body language and facial expression 

  • transitions
  • paces and speed of cuts 
  • CGI
  • green screening 
  • graphics
Editing:joker trailer
  • towards the end a lot of cuts happened leading up to the title of the movie and for when its coming out and it was done to build up tension and then leaves it on a cliffhanger.

Joker soundtrack
with the soundtrack the music or the sound effects half to match the scene or mood of the movie in the joker tralier the music got more intense through  the trailer and you could hear a laugh in the back ground that laugh got louder and louder when he put his mask in the bin the music got more intence   

dora and the lost city of gold 

Camera work:
they used multiple camrea angles to set different scense and moods.

Sound track:

Subheading institution  23rd september 2019 

learning objective:to understand the concept of ownership and regulations.

who makes what and for whom. the owners companies and people that produce distribute and govern media.

types of media Disney owns


why is it so important to know who owns the media

the media is owned by one person but is used by everyone 


  1. Good start.
    WWW - you've identified elements of Media Language used
    DIRT - Chose a specific shot and explain WHY it was used. Use accurate SPAG.


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