p2:lego movie

 monday 28th september 2020

lego movie 

indirect reference to starbucks

referenced to other lego products  


where are my pants can be referenced to american (friends)

the matrix through the wall 

Monday 5th October 2020


l/o: To explore intertextuality of the lego movie 


. Postmodernism questions what is real and what is absolute. (palmer 2014)

. mix of genres mix of characters  


The lego movie: narrative theory 

l/o: to apply narrative theory to the lego movie.

1. equilibrium: normal 

2. disruption: something happens 

3. recognition of disruption: realise thats something wrong  

4. attempt to solve disruption: the main character tries to fix the problem 

5. new equilibrium: the disruption is solved and is a new normal 

The lego movie has a linear narrative story 

equilibrium: the main character life is normal  

disruption: the main character is told he's a hero and discovers the piece of resistance 

recognition of disruption: the main character starts thinking he actually is and goes on an adventure 

attempt to solve disruption: the main character talk to the guy with the block trim who's bad and shows him what he's destroying

 new equilibrium: block trim guy is now a good guy and is helping to get rid of all the wrong he's done 


Narrative Theory 

Character type

The hero :Generally leads the narrative has a quest or has to solve something wants to succeed can be any gender.

The villain:Struggles against the hero seen as ,orally bad attempts to stop hero from achieving goal.

The donor:Gives the hero something special (power/weapon/wisdom et.)enables hero to complete quest.

The helper:Supports hero (sidekick) appears at critical moments their limitations help define the hero.

The princess father:Gives task to the hero authority figure protective over princess (doesn't have to be her biological father.)

The false hero:Appears to act heroically and often mistaken for the real hero gets credits for the work gains respect from the farther.

The hero:Emmet:Because he is told he is special.

The Villain:Lord business:because he's trying to put up walls everywhere and block people off

The donor: Finn:Because he gives the piece of resistance 

The helper:Wyldstyle:Because she helps the special and stays with him

The princess:Wyldstyle:Because she stays with him 

The princess farther:Vitruvius:Because he gives wisdom 

The Dispatcher:Vitruvius:Becasue he gives them a quest 

The False hero:Batman:Because he's is known as a hero but isnt the main hero 


L/o: to explore the similarities between the matrix and the lego movie

Intertextuality: The relationship between texts.

marketing 09/11/20

l/o: to explore marketing and promotion of the lego movie;to link the methods to the target audience

What is a tent pole production? 

 A major motion picture which is expensive to produce but expected to generate significant revenue for its studio and investors.

Why was the lego movie one? 

The lego movie is a tent pole film production by warners bros this means that its success was a major importance to the studio in the terms of funding other projects

What are the benefits of that for warner bros? 

The warner bros got to fund other projects which makes more money for the business in general 

how many way of promoting and marketing a movie?




-Video games

-Ads on diffrent platforms 

-Shop promoting

-Host an event 


Synergy is the simultaneous (at the same time) release of different products to boost both.

Synergy can be used most often by bigger companies as the different elements them (often media conglomerate) work together to promote linked products across different media 

The lego movies tie in merchandise

-lego movie toys

-The lego movie game 

-Lego movie clothes 

-Mcdonalds collaboration 

-Collectable mini figures 

-Range of school supplies 

-Sticker and activity books 

Other than the merchandise what other methods were used to promote the movie?

1. Each week in January 2014 a new character poster was released 

2. Lego store scheduled linked events 

3. Free accessory packs were available 



Going horizontal is when you make a movie your company makes all the stages so all the profit goes to Warnerbros instead of other company.

Going vertical making a movie is faster because the production is faster which means more movies can be made faster and more money even if the movie isn't successful.

1. Whats the name of the company that owns lots of smaller companies?
its called a parent company 

2. Whats the benefits of being one of these?
You can produce more in little time which means more profit 

3. Why is synergy a good thing?
synergy is when two companies/brands help each other to make a image for a simple product.

4.What is it called when a single company controls both the production and distribution stages of a media?
Vertical integration 

5. Whats the advantages of doing this? 
Its faster to make a movie because you got small companies tagging along helping so its faster and because its faster that means more money for them all even if its not successful 

6. Whats a tent-pole production?
A movie that is expensive but predicted to produce

7. What is the advantage of this for the production company?

23/11/20  The lego movie: Tv Advertising

L/o: to evaluate the methods used to market The lego movie; to link the methods to the target  


Tv Averts usually have a little story to show what the product has a link to its usually short and snappy to catch the attention of the audience

Theatrical trailers are a lot shorter Tv Adverts catch attention a lot faster and Theatrical trailers usually don't mind waiting a little bit longer to make it better.

The lego movie campaign was very different to other adverts it was a special promotion and was promoted by many companies. The advert went global it was a massive thing on social media and was well known across all platforms it included multiple snippets of the lego movie characters with the lego movie logo. These snippets where only two seconds long and caught the attention of children and adults over 1.1million people saw the advert and stayed intentionally to watch it. The adverts wanted to be involved in the movie promotion because it would profit them as well as the Lego movie. The tv ad profited the movie by showing everyone the movie was gonna be big and different to other movies and was gonna be good.


The lego movie: Trailer 

why did warner bros choose to have their logos made from lego? 

lego logo shown before movie to show a big budget because the company is big and well known so they know it will be a big budget movie and really well done.

Narrative stage

Equilibrium: The 'normality'. Characters in their day-to-day lives.

The lego movie: Normality is emmet in his house living a normal life 

Disruption: An event occurs to break the normality.

The lego movie: When lord business says "or you'll be put to sleep"

Recognition of disruption: Characters realise something has gone wrong.

Attempt to solve Disruption: Characters try to solve problem. 

New equilibrium: problem is solved. Things return to normal or a new normal is established.

They need to be shown quickly to keep attention of the younger audience. 

Diagetic: sound that the characters would hear in the film world.

Non-Diagetic: sound that only the audience can hear.

Intertitle: the text used between shots a trailer.

Colour palette: the range of colours used in a media text.

several close-up shots of key characters have been used. why?

so the audience can determine who is the main character in he movie.

what impact do diegetic sounds such as gun shots and explosions 

how is diegetic d


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