BBC young reporter

l/o:o explore the concept and format of news 

what is news?

  • to make money
  • educate 
  • to inform you 
  • entertain
news genre 
  • politics 
  •  sports
  • health
  • uk
  • weather 
  • business 
  • tech
  • world 
  • science 
  • local
  • celebrity 
  • human interest 
  • entrainment & arts 
  • family education 
l/o:to explore the validity to news stories and their origins 

fake news:false information used to shape your views,opinions or ideas  

fake news examples:fake rumours about coronavirus,bat soup causes coronavirus,

l/o:To understand what news is and where to find it.

1)  a  correct
2)  b  correct
3)  a  correct
4)  a  wrong
5)  b correct
6)  c correct
7)  c correct

school report ideas

1,000 explosives ? yes 1,000 two male divers went diving into cornish Quarry looking for random goods and ended up swimming into a much bigger problem. luckily the two divers went away in one peace the police were contacted and then the bomb squad it was bigger than what they thought. bomb squad made the situation safe in under 8 minutes.Luke said: basically we dive every Saturday, trying our best to help people with cleaning out their quarries they may have on their land. We’re trying to reduce the amount of plastic, so we collect it all and dispose of it appropriately.


l/o: to explore how to structure a story; to practice interview questions. 


l/o: to evaluate and review our news day project

my final report:

my favourite bit was asking the diver questions about his career and if he gets too keep some of the things he finds he docent keep anything.
the bit i least enjoyed was trying to speak without looking at the paper because everyone was looking and yeh i choked on my words.
i learnt nothing to be honest because i haven't been in for the first part but i was for the second part.
i learnt that the news process is long and vey fast and stressful its also quiet and crowded and the camera set up isn't as hard as i thought but you do have a tv to look at with everything you half to say.
if i did it again i would turn up on time and speak better because thats an important thing to do its hard to speak to a complete stranger who i met like 5 minutes ago but it was his first time and my first time.

l/o: investigate how news programmes are targeted towards different audiences. 

target audience:

radio1: 15 to 29 year olds its national
BBC 10 o'clock news: 35+ its national
spotlight (6pm): 16 to 34


  1. I agree, Seth, it's a shame you missed the first part of the day. However, your group produced a great story with a strong interview and a good edit.


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